Sending email via SMTP doesnt work

Im new in shopware world and my client ask me for help for set mailer in his shop working on shopware 6 (standalone on hetzner VPS).

I checked instructions and … hmm easy peasy… after 3 hours of trying to send even 1 test email I gave up.

What I did/tried:

set proper data in system settings > mailer (try all combination -port/encryption – for 3 test email account created in 3 different email providers)
add sender email in sales channels – basic settings

How I test it:
go to settings > email templates > edit > type my email + set proper channel and sent enail by paper plane icon click.

After 10-15sec I got info about sending email error (without any details)

I tried check notifications and logs in admin panel but I found nothing useful.

What can I do as the next step?

Thank you

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