Custom category layout product box style don’t work
Hello community! We found, that CMS built (copied from standard) custom category layout works well except product box style settings (Big Image, Minimal content don’t work. It stays Standard for the listing): But if we do change this for each category individually via Catalog Layout Tab, then it works. Have anyone same issue? Also maybe […]
How to change “Prices incl. TAX plus shipping costs ” to “Prices Excl. TAX plus shipping costs “
I see there are two translations in Snippets, I’m not sure where the switch is to change it. I could change it in the snippet, but that seems like it will create unintended consequences. 5 Beiträge – 2 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen
Can not add language in storefront
Hi I’m following this tutorial to set up my store in another language (Swedish). During the First run wizard I opted to install the Language Package, so I can see „Swedish“ in the list of languages. The default language during installation is set to English (as per recommendation). But in Sales channel > Storefront > […]
Change snippets for Swedish
Hi I’m trying to change a snippets in the Swedish language (the translation for „In stock“ on product page). The language package are installed and the shop is set to Swedish (default is English). Going to Settings > Snippets there is a snippets set for Swedish. Click on Edit snippet set, and then searching for […]
Import manufacturers from CSV
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to import manufacturers from a CSV file ? Importing a CSV is working fine, but the entity Manufacturer seems not to be present … I tried to look into the code if I had the possibility to add an entity to the import/export pannel, […]
Sending email via SMTP doesnt work
Hello, Im new in shopware world and my client ask me for help for set mailer in his shop working on shopware 6 (standalone on hetzner VPS). I checked instructions and … hmm easy peasy… after 3 hours of trying to send even 1 test email I gave up. What I did/tried: set proper data […]
Migration Connector 5-6 bietet keinen Update Check an
In diesem Fenster gibt es oben die drei Reiter „Info“, „Voraussetzungen“ und „Plugins“. Unter letztgenanntem findest du, was du suchst.
SwagVatIdValidation 500er Fehler
Hallo Michael, ich vermute die Frage bezieht sich auf das PS: custom/plugins/SwagVatIdValidation/plugin.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <plugin xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shopware/shopware/5.6/engine/Shopware/Components/Plugin/schema/plugin.xsd”> <label lang=”de”>Umsatzsteuer-ID Prüfung</label> <label lang=”en”>Vat ID-Validation</label> <version>2.0.9</version> custom/plugins/SwagVatIdValidation/Components/ValidationService.php private function getEmailAddress() { $emailNotification = $this->config->get(VatIdConfigReaderInterface::EMAIL_NOTIFICATION); if (is_string($emailNotification)) { $emailAddress = $emailNotification; } elseif ($emailNotification) { $emailAddress = $this->config->get(‘sMAIL’); } else { return false; } return filter_var($emailAddress, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); […]
Zusatzfeld auf Rechnung ausgeben
Keine r das nötige Wissen, wie man customFields auf dem Lieferschein ausgeworfen bekommt? Über Hilfestellung würde ich mich weiterhin sehr freuen.
Im Plugin Controller den richtigen Subshop
Die Anführungszeichen waren falsch escaped.