The speed issue
We are facing the issue in speed. We have already asked in the theme support and mittwald support but we haven’t found any solution. URL: https://wasserbetten-haase.de/ when we go to any category, it takes more time to load. Can anyone please look into this and help us to fix this issue? 1 Beitrag – […]
barcode generator
Is there a plugin to create and print product labels with a built in barcode generator? The mkx plugin Print labels for products and orders in not it… 1 Beitrag – 1 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen
How to create an order with the Admin API?
Hey! At the moment I’m trying to post a order to a local Shopware 6 store, with my php application and using the Admin API. To achieve this I’m using the following endpoint: This is the error I’m receiving: { „errors“: [ { „code“: „0“, „status“: „500“, „title“: „Internal Server Error“, „detail“: „Argument 1 […]
Extending template from Search plugin that all ready extends the Core Shopware Template
Hello, Im having trouble extending a template, The template i wish to extend is from a paid Search Plugin. The template in the Search plugin is all ready extending the Core SW template search-suggest.html.twig. Is it then possible to extend the template from the Search plugin. The plugin is extending the Core file like so… […]
All images path are wrong after switching server
Hi all, I’ve recently moved my (work in progress) website, from my local enviroment to an online enviroment. And currently all images are missing due to having new image paths. For example: Locally the logo URL is: http://localhost/media/84/17/65/1615642104/logo.svg Online the image url is: http://domeinexample.nl/media/72/ec/8f/1615642104/logo.svg I’ve tried it twice now, but the result is the same […]
Is the Plugin quick Startup Guide still relevant for Shopware 6 plugin development?
I want to develop my own plugin for my shopware 6 shop. I found this documentation about how to do that but the thing is, it is for shopware 5. I can’t find any documentation about developing a plugin for Shopware 6, so i want to know if this documentation below is still relevant for […]
Categories for specific customers upon login
Morning, is it possible to only display certain product categories to certain customers. I tried having a seperate sales channel, a new customer group and a new test customer who is the only one in the group. I thought I’d made it so only this customer, when logged in would be able to see this […]
How to bulk handle orders?
Hello I’m looking at Shopware for a replacement for Magento, and have a lot of questions ;). But, let’s start with this: How do you handle many orders at once (like 50-100)? It does not seems to be possible with vanilla Shopware 6, so any recommendations for a module? Would be great to check several […]
Moing SW6 from my hosting site to another Server Problems
Hi, The beta site I am working on for my client is hosting on my server. H recently purchased hosting service with cyon.ch. CYON offered free site move, great! It appears they were able to move the site setup a Database and left it at that. the problem they reported is connection to Sales Channel. […]
Index notification is always running in Shopware 6
Index notification is always running in Shopware 6. Even if I try to cancel it, it starts again. 3 Beiträge – 2 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen