IOSS + OSS plugin


I asked this same question on the german side of the forum but was wondering if here is more people with experience on IOSS or OSS plugins.

I’m currently in the process of setting up my shop on Shopware 6 in Sweden and am facing a small challenge regarding cross-border sales within the EU and VAT collection. Specifically, I’m looking for an IOSS or OSS plugin that can be seamlessly integrated into Shopware. I have warehouses in the UK and Sweden from which I fulfill orders.

I’ve been looking around for options, but I wanted to reach out to this community to see if anyone had any recommendations based on their own experiences. If you have successfully implemented an IOSS or OSS solution on Shopware 6, I would like to hear about the plugin you used (if you have used it) and your general experience with it.

Additionally, if you have insights into managing cross-border sales within the EU and VAT collection in Shopware, I would be very grateful for any tips you could share.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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