Category: Uncategorized

  • No media after migration from Magento

    Hey I’m doing a test migration (locally) from Magento 1.9 to Shopware 6. Most of the migration seems (?) to work, except for all product images. No images are shown on the frontend. If I check the Content > Media > Product images there is an error for all images (see attached image). I have […]

  • Ability to have a currency per product

    Hi, I’m new to ShopWare and I’m currently migrating over from WooCommerce as it’s become unmaintainable. One of our core features we use is showing the product in its native currency and then it being calculated in the base currency at the checkout. We are listing gift cards so we show the denomination to the […]

  • Import without UUID

    Hi! I want to do a mass update based on productNumber without knowing the UUID. I would say, according to the docs it would be possible. It says you can . For example, you can specify that the productNumber must now be specified instead of the UUID when importing products. The UUID is thus replaced […]

  • Manual Payment Capture for Shopware 6

    Trying to word this another way. Is there a to utilize this Stripe method of payment? Authorizing the transaction and capturing later? Place a hold on a card Separate authorization and capture to create a charge now, but capture funds later. 1 Beitrag – 1 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen

  • Out of stock can be added to cart

    Hey Even if the product is out-of-stock (Stock: 0 and Available stock: 0), the Add-to-cart button is still active and the product can be added to the cart. What setting am I missing? // Magnus 2 Beiträge – 2 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen

  • Translation center updated to latest version

    Hi everybody, our translation center at updated with the latest Shopware 6 version (and will regularly from now on). Feel free to register and help translating Shopware into your mother tongue! Thanks in advance! 1 Beitrag – 1 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen

  • Shopware was released today!

    Hi everybody, today, we released Shopware To name only some updates: it is now possible to use private apps in Shopware cloud, our Rule Builder has new & easier options & one is now able to import & export without UUID. More information: Shopware 6 Release News – March 2022 | Shopware Download: Shopware […]

  • Update to latest version?

    I get an notification that there is an update available (, and open the update wizard. But, the spinning „thing“ are just spinning (I can see the information in light grey, behind). It’s seems like the system checking is never completed. Is it safe to click the „Start update“ button anyway? /Magnus 1 Beitrag – […]

  • Errror with add to cart button – variable product

    I get this error on every variable product page, does somebody knows what could be? I found a similar error problem related to some updates. 1 Beitrag – 1 Teilnehmer Vollständiges Thema lesen

  • Display Sales Price + List Price on the Product details page

    I’m looking to see how I can in Shopware, without the Development Installation have so a Strikethrough the listing price and display a sales price like this: What I’d like is this… is this possible in the ‘out-of-the-box’ Shopware or will I need Development tools for this?   Thanks 1 Beitrag – 1 Teilnehmer Vollständiges […]