Anchor links mobile issue

Anchor link is on another page and it stops way to high. Doesn’t hit the target area.
I am using SW 6.5+ and encountered anchor links issue on mobile / responsive any width smaller than 768px. Issue can be replicated in desktop browsers / mobile phones… I’ve also replicated the issue with default SW6 install with page containing only text.

It’s not header height issue, I’ve tried adding html smoth scroll, making links with JS and Jquery (it’s added), rechecked all CSS if something is manipulating height… all okay. Cannot find the issue, anyone had similar issue?

Like I said on 768px width and above all okay, below the issue appears, also when testing anchor can for a while work until you reload the website and it will break again, like you have 50/50 chance of working depending how the page loads. And its replicated with empty default SW. Any idea?

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